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Also I want to point out, this is why I have issue with organized relgion and a big reason why I am no longer a Christian, also the amount of evidence against it. If some one has a different belief system or is just asking for proof, it would inquire that they are not normal, different and there for looked down upon.

Christians as many religions is a fear based system, this also projects out onto other people.  Meaning if people don't believe as you do, they are now considered condemned, evil, outcast or even  heretics. This is why religion has killed more people in history then any other organization or group. These numbers go into the billions.

I judge people on their actions and manner. I don't care what religion you come from. however the overwhelming proof against it is just to much for me to stomach.  Science has moved to a point that organized religions telling what god wants, is doing, is saying, are that of ancient misunderstanding about the universe and it's reason.

This does not rule out a after live, I'm just sure no one has a book or proof of any propaganda they are pushing. I will also note that religion is constantly being pushed into our laws, On our money, in our pledge of allegiance. This is all somewhat new or in the last 100 years. This has to stop, Religion put us into the dark ages, demonized knowledge as evil and oppressed millions.

If you would like to look at a page that catalogs Violence, Contradictions, sexism in the bible.


I'm not trying to be offensive, however this is always a touchy subject. I also say Merry Christmas but also know it is really a Pagan Holiday.  The Roman Empire celebrated Saturnalia. The Christian Church Adopted the Pagan Holiday to cool tensions, also because constatine converted to christanity.