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Respawn just completed its season pass for Titanfall, so overall how are things going?

I think they're going well, the game was obviously pretty successful. I think we announced 7 million [entitlements – or unique players] a month ago or so or whatever...We're obviously still selling so we are closing in on 8 million now. So for us, as an early launch on a limited platform we're pretty happy. I think the DLC has been pretty successful especially the last one - Frontier's Edge - has been very well received. I don't know what are you hearing about it? I would be interested to hear your take.

When you talk about the next game, which game do you mean? You announced in June the hiring of Stig Asmusson. Is Respawn now two teams?

There is a second team. Non-Titanfall related.

Will we get a glimpse of Respawn's next project at E3 this year, be it either your second team or a follow-up in the Titanfall universe?

No, I don't think so. Next year will be a little quiet. We'll be heads down, back to work. Next year [we will be] figuring out what we're doing and really kind of honing in on what the next games will be.

That follows toward the two- to three-year cycle for most triple-A games these days. I know you guys work like mad but it still takes a while to get a game together at this level. With two teams, do you have one that's in pre-production and one that's in full production? Or do you have two full production teams?

The Titanfall team still exists as a fully functional team...We have another team in pre-production that's smaller, just starting up. But it's a much smaller group at this point.

You have a history with first-person shooters and Stig has a history with third-person action with his God of War work. Does this project have any leanings either way, or are you both going in with an open mind toward what kind of game you want to make?

We're going in with an open mind.


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