Kula World
US Name: Roll Away
System: Sony PlayStation
Genre: Puzzle
Year: 1998
Rank last year: 18 (^ 5)
It's the best, most clever puzzle-game ever created, and the highest PlayStation game on the list, but sadly Kula World was the tragic victim of severe undershipment and fell into obscurity. Which is too bad, because this is probably the most mentally challenging game I have ever played.
The player controls a beach ball around an assortment of blocks to find a way to get the keys that open the level's exit. Along the way there's coins and gems to be collected for points and fruit to be found that unlock bonus levels. To do this, the player can move the ball around all sides of the block at a platform's endpoints. All this must be done within a time-limit. The content is gigantic, and the game possesses a steep leaning curve and later levels contain more and different hazards or tricky jumps and more elaborate block-structures. I've never beaten it's whopping 160 levels. It is addicting though, so much even that this game is the only PlayStation Classic, I ever downloaded on my PlayStation 3.