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Samus Aran said:
pokoko said:
The hair-pulling over Bayonetta 2 is really interesting.

I have a very, very strong suspicion that, had Bayonetta 2 been a multi-platform title published by Sega, many of the people yelling that it should get GOTY now would instead back Smash Bros. or Mario Kart. In fact, had it been a multi-platform title that skipped the Wii U, many of the people championing it now would be downplaying it instead, telling us that it's merely another immature title that glorifies sex and violence. There is no doubt in my mind about that. None at all.

Really, where was all this indignation when Bayonetta 1 was losing to Red Dead Redemption and Mass Effect 2?

The reality is that nothing has changed because Bayonetta 2 is a Nintendo exclusive. No one is NOT voting for it because it's only on the Wii U. Exactly as with Bayonetta 1, people are declining to vote for Bayonetta 2 because they feel the narrative and characterizations are weak, or because they don't like the goofy style, or because they don't value hack 'n 'slash titles highly, or simply because they received a deeper, more fulfilling experience with other games. People declined to vote for it because of any number of valid reasons.

I'm sorry, Nintendo conspiracy theorists, but the simple truth is that almost no one hates Nintendo or cares enough to conspire against it. No one is going, "man, I really like Bayonetta, but I want to strike a mortal blow against Nintendo!"

Most people aren't voting for it because they liked something else more. Period. End of shock, conspiracy over.

I'm a Nintendo fan and don't like Bayonetta 2. There goes your 'little" theory.

And there's definitely a big anti-Nintendo bias in the gaming media.

Here's a review for what I consider to be my GOTY. Enjoy. 

Huh?  What disproves my 'little" theory?

Oh, certainly, they hate Nintendo so much that all Nintendo games get horrible reviews.  It's so obvious.