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Ugh stupid computer being in the shop for longer then expected, doing this on the Wii U is a pain... uggggh.

Anyway for my return!
#13 hint: Originally released in two seperate releases, the second release could link to the first, providing a more coherent story and slight level layout changes in both. By far and away the longest 2D title in the series and widely regarded as one of the best, with 3 playable characters and 14 ZONES.

#12 hint: The 2nd generation of a highly regarded very popular franchise, was a direct sequel to the first and was the only one to allow the exploration of multiple regions. Painfully obvious.

Gamertag, PlayStation Network ID, and Nintendo Network ID: Look at username. Huzzah for originality.  3DS Friend Code: 4038-6546-0886

Currently own PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, Switch, and 3DS