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fatslob-:O said:
Nem said:

That comment right there, proves my point.

It doesn't further your argument at all ... 

Your point of japanese games not winning GoTY was null and void long ago ...

Just because japanese developers put some effort this time doesn't mean that they're supposed to be handed is silver platter to them. That would be just plain unethical on the critics part to put aside many of other great western games ... 

I disagree.

Handed on a silver platter? Its the western developers that are handing them the silver platter by releasing overhyped dull unoptimised and buggy games.

There is no handing here. Bayonetta 2 is a very polished product. Dragon age, for as much as i love it, isnt in the same ballpark. Shadow of mordor also has its share. We are paying for unoptimised and buggy products and we should be revering them as GOTY's? Well, i really wont.

No western developer origin is going to make me have a biased opinion. When the game that deserves the award is western i will surely concede it as i have before. I actually agree that the japanese industry has been terrible in the last gen. But, that doesnt in any way make me unable to see what is an achievement in excellence, especially compared to the other games released this year. It isnt because the japanese industry as a whole has been a disappointment that i wont be able to spot when they do it right and deserve praise for it.