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Sounds like the circle of life to me.

1. Small company has creative vision.

2. Small company succeeds with massive success

3. Small company is successful for a short period of time and sticks to vision

4. Small company gets greedy and sells out making ridiculous piles of money from ridiculous tripe

5. Small company follows up with "Telltale's Frozen episodic adventure", while Majong creates Frozen mine craft.

6. What now appears to be a large company has veered so far from their vision (ubisoft) that their best staff leave and people begin to hate them.

7. They die a sad lonely death in a snowy krakow alley way with nothing for company but a role of half eaten toilet paper and an issue of spanked.

8./1. A Small company has a creative vision.

Got to love the doom and gloom.  Lego has survived all these years by trying different things.  This is a minor off shoot and why not?!  As long as it's fun and creative.