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XanderXT said:
SirFortesque said:
XanderXT said:
Eddie_Raja said:
LOL big fucking deal. Megaman games have been on Playstation. If Nintendo wanted to use Solid Snake art from MGS2 they can.

That's like there being a pic of characters that have been on a Nintendo console, then showing this:

Sony still owns that picture.

Smake on Super Smash Bros Brawl was 1% based on MGS1 and 99% based on the rest of Metal Gear Solid games that were mostly on PlayStation... stickers, soundtracks and stage included.

Honestly, isn't it even worse than what Sony did ? After all, the Sm4sh Megaman is based on a PSP Megaman game.

Sakurai specifically said he modeled MegaMan after his NES days.

Sakurai also said that Sm4sh don't has a Subspace Emissary-like mode because people recorded cutscenes and uploaded them on Youtube lol, when obviously the Story mode isn't there because they wanted to focus on gameplay and characters ... and of course he wasn't going to say "the Megaman on Sm4sh is based on a exclusive PSP game", it's pretty much like if Sony said that the Resistance 3 controls were based on COD: Black Ops ones.... they would never say that, even if it's actually true.

Also, in Super Smash Bros Brawl, all artworks (stickers) of Solid Snake are from the original MGS1 for PlayStation, but SSBB says that they're from Twin Snakes (which isn't true, Twin Snakes had different artworks).

I'm not telling that he's a liar or something, I like how Sakurai works, it's just that sometimes you just can't say the truth, expecially if you're working on a very iconic and exclusive game like Super Smash Bros.

Hey don't click here ! It's creepy !!

I want a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel ! Come on Sony, stop making too many shooters !

I'll make a better signature when I'll have time to do it...