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darkenergy said:

You make it sound like people bought the MCC on the day of release and not for the rest of the week. You do know people buy games a day or 2 or 3 or 4 after release because they choose to not preorder the game right? While they wait they hear all the problems from a friend who just bought it. They then decide not to go purchase it because of what is happening from that friend.

You do know that things can happen like price cut, bundles, or promotions right? Do you really think the Xbox one would remain $499 for the rest of the year even on BF or during the holidays? You(and everybody else) didn't take that in consideration,did you? Didn't the PS3 got a $100 price cut months after launch?

Regarding the poll you do know that even if the option for 500k or less isn't there they will vote for the second option and even if those options aren't there they will vote for the third option and so on? I am really sure that even if those 3 options weren't there people would STILL complain that the rest of those options are too high and unrealistic.

Do you now understand?

I didn't make a prediction so I didn't take anything into consideration for that matter .But I'm telling you npw that if my prediction was based on current Xbox sales patterns 8 months ago I'd be predicting some low numbers. Obviously you expect deals in November but I would predict deals like the PS4 bundle for 399. SO basically it's the same as before just with a bundle game. 

Not in my wildest deams would i think the base price for the X1 would drop by 170$ and in some places plus an extra game and a 50$ card. In some places people were getting an wxtra 150$ for trading in their PS3/360 as well. That is firesale stuff and it shows just how bad sales were. And they were terrible because in a lot of months including the Titanfall, Destiny months Xbox had some big deals. 

And yes the vast majority of week one buyers for a game will get it based on reviews. The online problems were not getting major headlines on day 1. It tooks a number of days for that to happen. The game got an excellent metcritic and the first week sales represent the demand for the game. The predictions less than 1M for NPvember NPD were touted as crazy talk with 1.8M being seen as reasonable. The fact is 1/3 of that sold in Nov NPD. By the logic displayed in hear those people would be described as MS haters too. 

Do you now understand? you prob don't because bias is clouding your judgement. 


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