Lylat Wars
US Name: Star Fox 64
System: Nintendo 64, Nintendo 3DS
Genre: Rail Shooter
Year: 1997
Rank last year: 15 (=)
Due to a licence dispute with some old obscure Atari game, we in Europe would not know the name of this franchise until it's GameCube entries. On the Super Nintendo, they named it Starwing, and on the Nintendo 64, they named it Lylat Wars. For the rest, it was the same amazing game the Americans knew and loved. The game came with the Rumble Pack accessoiry, which would later be used for a plethora of other games on the system and would go on to become a standard across all systems.
Lylat Wars is a rail shooter, mostly in space where the player pilots his Arwing against hordes of enemies. A couple levels do put the player in a tank and one in a submarine, which bring slightly different gameplay. The eventful levels and the different paths to take to end give the game great replay value. Personally I like these smaller arcade-style games a lot, as one may have noticed from my list, but Lylat Wars is the greatest of all and it's legacy continues to make me hope that Nintendo will one day put out a sequel that's equally great!