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Help me see the joy of smash brothers please.

I enjoy Mario Kart (always liked crash team racing more until this gen) and I enjoy many mario games, but was unfortunately never that into many of the Nintendo characters that much. Example, I never played a Zelda game until this Gen with one exception (I was about 10 and saw zelda on the gameboy and thought it looked awesome and really wanted it but had no gameboy). I'm a fan of Yoshi, but otherwise not massively into any particular Ninty character. Love my Wii U though and my Wii and gamecube were fun. My favorite video game characters were always Crash bandicoot, Solid Snake, and Abe (abe's odysee), as I had so much fun in the ps1 era.

Now in a few words, can some of you guys convince me to buy the game? It looks fun, but I'm worried that I won't have that "joy" that I have for mario kart. Is it exclusive to people who already have played it on GC (nostaligia) or can I pick it up and love it? Also, I need to get my wife to like it or she will just hog all of our time with Mario Kart 8.

No. I cannot convince you to buy the game. I can tell you that it is a great game with loads of content. I don't think knowing all the character is in any way a requirement. I have played them all from the N64 till now, but I wouldn't say it sells because of nostalgia, more that it sells because it is a great franchise.

I suggest you try the game at a store demo or something to see if you like it. My wife doesn't game much at all, but she enjoys smash, very easy to pick up and play even as a gaming novice, but very hard to master.

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.