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Funny that you should mention earthbound as I am checking it out lately. I might give it a download on the U. Would be great on the gamepad here and there. I like god sims and it has a taste of that side of things.

Yoshi whooly world also looks interesting as does toad treasure trecker. 2 games I'll buy later, so whatever Nintendo are doing with their spin offs must be working. I would just kill for a realistic gritty game on Wii U (like the original metal gear solid, or c&c red alert). Back then all those games were quality and lately I feel like it's a quality I only find on pc and Nintendo consoles.

One of my major criticisms of Nintendo as a company is that they don't widen the variety of games and audiences they make their games for. There's no reason Nintendo shouldn't have a girth of more mature games. XenoBlade is a move in the right direction, but not nearly enough in that regard. The fact that they don't is hurting them.