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ps4tw said:

Looking at the sales figures, the Dreamcast, a console widely seen as a failure and the downfall of Sega, sold better than the Wii U to date. As Nintendo has the cash assest to survive a failed console, where will they go from here? It seems that they do not want to adapt to the demands of the modern gamer, and their core user base is smaller than ever. This being said, will this force Nintendo's hand out of the console business just as the Dreamcast did to Sega? How can Nintendo repair the publicity damage the Wii U has done to them in the eyes of gamers? 

This is ignoring the fact that the Dreamcast sold really well for it's first year or two, and then totally dropped off.

Wii U sold decently it's launch window, and then dropped off.....and then gradually picked back up in late 2013, and then dipped a bit, and then has gradually been on an upward trend for over half of 2014. That is directly tied to more and more big games finally coming out on it. Wii U will last longer on the market than Dreamcast did, and Nintendo won't jump ship and abandon it the way Sega did.


So the comparison is honestly somewhat moot. Wii U will have outsold DC lifetime by the time all is said and done, by a considerable margin I'd guess. This isn't the first thread started that muses "Will Nintendo go the way of Sega", and it won't be the last. People were talking about this back in the GC days. Nintendo isn't going anywhere, because aside from stumbling with Wii U, they are far more business smart (and have far more money in the bank) than Sega was. Sega failed for a lot of reasons, but the biggest of which was that they lost consumer/fan confidence by repeatedly failing to stick with/support their own consoles. Nintendo hasn't done that, and won't do that.