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Just Platinumed The Evil Within!

The game isn't difficult when playing on Survival mode (it just normal difficulty) if all your doing is playing it for one fun, but if your going for the Plat then be prepared to run through this game a minimum of 3 times.

First run is a no upgrade + 100% collectible run on survival, this unlocks related trophies as well as Akumu mode.

Second is the speed run, I cleared it in 4hrs 12min, make sure your fully upgraded and then just be aggressive on the casual difficulty.

Third is the Akumu run, requires a new save file meaning starting from scratch so collect as much gel and only upgrade the most useful abilities, enemies insta kill you no matter the health, ...sooo be prepared to die alot (I died 457 on my Akumu run). Enemies have the same health as survival so it's not too bad but keep in mind that enemies which appear later in the game now appear much much earlier in Akumu mode. Ammo is really limited so stealth kill is your best friend, that and running to hit check points. Check point system was actually pretty good so I don't think this will be a problem for most.

I will say that chapter 1 is by far the hardest, you have no upgrades and a piss weak gun with only 6 rounds once you pick it up in an area with tons of the time I hit chapter 15 it's a joke, so over powered that it made taking out 2 mini bosses (the keeper) piss easy, taking out 3 waves in an arena was even easier...the final boss you don't even need your own ammo as it's all provided to you via an unlimited chain gun and a rocket launcher with 20 rounds as you progress through the different sections of the boss fight.

Overall though I enjoyed the game, and it's a nice lil plat with a rarity of 0.2% (if your into that). Trying to plat this game ain't for the faint hearted though as you really need patience....especially on Akumu mode but it's doable. I did it and my last actual survial horror game I played was Resident evil Code veronica on the dreamcast, so it's not like this is a genre i frequently play, but it is very 3rd person shooterish when you have the ammo and those I play allot...sooo take that as you will.