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He's been on the battlefield. He's been on vacation. He's been in space. What's next for the red mustachioed man?

So, I think it's pretty safe to say that at the next E3, a new mainline 3D Mario game will be announced or at least teased. But what can we expect Nintendo to do?

I've thought about this quite a bit since the release of Super Mario 3D World and I have a couple theories of what the next 3D Mario game could entail. My first theory is related to the 3D series. Y'know, 3D Land and 3D World. I initially thought about this as a joke, but realized it's actually a possibility. What if the next 3D Mario is Super Mario 3D Galaxy? Or Super Mario 3D Universe? It would be like a combination of the Galaxy level designs, with its overworld and more open levels (at least in regards to the first one) but with 3D World's character designs and controls. It would also create trilogies of both the Galaxy games and the 3D games and sort of finalize them on the Wii U. This wouldn't necessarily be what I want most though.

The second theory is about Super Mario Sunshine. Yes. That game on the Gamecube that is still trashed today. However, it has a bit of a following now and Nintendo could easily polish its sequel and make it even more beautiful on the Wii U. Super Mario Sunshine is the only 3D Mario game without a successor. Super Mario 64 has Super Mario 64 DS (albeit, a remake but still), Super Mario Galaxy has its sequel, and 3D Land has 3D World. So where's Sunshine 2? I think this is a game that will come eventually no matter what. Either that, or Sunshine will be remade for Wii U. I'm fine with either.

Lastly, something brand new imagined with the Wii U in mind. Ideally, this is the one I'd want Nintendo to choose. I want there to be a 3D Mario game that people associate its concept with the Wii U. I have no idea where they'll take Mario next, but I'm sure it'll be a grand adventure. 

So what are your thoughts? Do you want Super Mario 3D Universe? Super Mario Sunshine 2? A fresh take on the series? Let me know!

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread