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dane007 said:
GTAexpert said:

Really, I as an uninformed person would have agreed with you if I hadn't PLAYED the games.

EG gave DC a 6, and The Crew an 8. Both were broken at launch, but difference was that DC has a way better handling model, way better graphics, doesn't have extensive microtransactions, and a fantastic track design in contrast to The Crew's bland world. DC is easily one of my favourite games of the year now.

The review for drive club wre done by the same guy. He just happen to love the crew more. Nothing wrong with that. YOu may like driveclub more , that doesn't mean he should like it to an dgive a high score to driveclub just to please you .

EG gave AC: Unity and Halo: MCC a 7 and 10 without mentioning in the review the extent to which they were broken, while they gave LBP 3 a 7 despite calling it themselves as the best game in the series, just due to bugs, whereas AC: Unity and Halo: MCC aren't exactly free of problems.

But halo has 4 full  single player game which can hold on its own  even if the multiplayer was broken. Thers alot of content to go through while multiplayer get fixed. Secondly thats why it got 7 socre not a  higher score. Same with Unity . Also theres a chance the reviewer who reviewed thos games, didn't expereince as many bugs or technical problems as the other reviewers from other sites when playing halo or Unity . However it seems as though he exprienced alot with LBP3. Also to add, all those three gamers were reviewed by three different people. Each individual would have their own style of reviewing.

EG has recently given a preview on The Order: 1886 as to why you shouldn't preorder it, which is pure flaimbait beacuse they never once had a video on why not to preorder a game before, even though in the past their were a number of games with bad previews. Interestingly, other sites are liking the new playable demo of the game, EG is one of the few/only site giving it  abad impression.


Its an opinion which hes entited to that. if you liek the game buy it. hes words whouldn't maek you not buy the game. if it does, then you weren't reallygoing to buy the game anyways.

EG gave Infamous: SS a 7, equal to AC: Unity, and worse than The Crew. That's a shameful and awful review.

Again different reviewers with very different taste. They don't have to match with your taste and give a score that makes you happy. ALL game reviewers are subjective to the reviewers taste and not objective. big difference

Also, in general EG review scores for Sony games are much lower than their metacritic/average scores, for MS its about spot on and for Ubisoft and Nintendo its a lot higher. All these are just a part of what clearly says biased and terrible site.

I'm not gonna fall for this opinion crap all the time. It is an opinion if it happens once, twice, thrice, but if it happens all the time and only with Sony games it IS bias against Sony and their games. They aren't a worthy site atleast when it comes to their "opinions" on Sony games.