naruball said:
Sales are much more complicated than that. The ps4 had port after port and mostly multiplats yet has destroyed the wiiu ever since it launched, despite the wiiu exclusives being highly praised by critics and fans alike. So what does that tell us? That people want ports and multiplats instead of award winning exclusive games? Again, when Tearaway and Killzone Mercenaries were released for the vita, the hardware sales did not see much of bump. Then the very late Bordelands 2 port was released and that pushed more hardware than the two of them combined. In other words, sales can be misleading. |
True, most of what the PS4 has is ports, but it DOES have must have games coming to it, and Sony has been very generous to let it be very well known. Add that to the disasterous XBone launch and Nintendo stumbling to release anything stellar their first year and the surprise of it all goes down a little.
There are several other smaller reasons of why the PS4 is doing so well which all add up to the success it has, but just throwing out the major one. The Wii U coming back from being outsold by the Vita to actually leaving the Vita in the dust tell us they should have had a few of those amazing 1st party titles a little sooner. If that would have happened and Nintendo got more people on board at the beginning, third party devs may have felt the need to get on board.