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Just in referance when you talked about Atari needing to appease an unknown market. The Magnovox came first and after that don't forget Nintendo with the TV-Game series of consoles. By the time Atari launched its first console it had a very good idea of where to go.

Essentially Nintendo was deeply immersed in the video game industry long before the NES , and its first major hit would have likely been the Game&Watch series of handhelds (1980-1991) Nintendo exploited the fact that nobody had yet to make a successful handheld games console. Ever since the Game&Watch Nintendo has dominated the industry they created.

 As for the PS2 as a computer in the living room, while some would like to say it was. At the time of launch the PS2 was by far one of the lowest tech as far as leadership goes. DreamCast was online and leading the way while it took PS2 years before it even managed to get the basic online gameplay. The PS2 lacked any real innovation while the competition DreamCast had the VMU. Essentially if anything I would say the DreamCast had tapped into the Blue Ocean and failed. Not the PS2!

 As for Microsoft's entrance into the gaming industry. While I believe personally it was to damage Sony (Because Sony had been talking about investing heavily in the PC industry). Microsoft struck at Sony's core the most profitable branch PlayStation. Now Microsoft in my opinion is doing this very well, exploiting both the budget gamers who can't afford PS3 and the gamers who don't care for the Wiimote. This creates a Niche market for Microsoft and its an ingenious plan.

 I agree however that Nintendo has managed to target far more blue oceans over the years then its competition. But thats what you get when you have a 100+ year old company that has done everything from run love motels , Taxi services , card games , toys to video games. Nintendo is a company that knows how to evolve and as a company that can adapt rapidly to changing conditions it has always stayed one step ahead of the competition!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer