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aLkaLiNE said:
PenguinZ said:
aLkaLiNE said:

Hopefully never. I see it as an inferior product and the more reason MS has to remove its cancer from this industry, the better

How do you define inferior product?

I'm just going to preface the following statement with, this is my opinion and my opinion only. In no way am I stating this as factual evidence, but mere opinion.


I define inferior in this specific case (PS4 vs X1) as the latter having weaker hardware. The latter having far less reliable hardware if history is anything to go by (RRoD from previous gen, Blu Ray grinding noise this gen. I suffered 3 RRoD before switching to PS3). The latter creating and maintaining anti-consumer business practices that have now spread to Sonys console ala paid online, putting other subscriptions behind the live paywall, using AA batteries in 2014 etc.  The latter having percieved lack of ability to create interesting or innovative IP.  The latter having an inferior OS that is confusing, unintuitive, buggy and sluggish.  The latter using deceit to market their product - Power of the Cloud, ESRam magic, used games policy which is currently put on hold.

To MS credit they have a slightly more stable online infrastructure.  And I mean slightly.  These recent hacking attacks have showed that no one is invulnerable and switching between my PS3 and 360 on CoD showed that I had periodical disconnection issues on 360 while they were non existant on PS3.  In the current gen both consoles have had times where the online is iffy but I find it hard giving an edge to MS.

I've owned both previous gen, don't have either current gen but have friends that have either console.  Ive used both thoroughly, I'm a tech savvy user who is quick to pick up new technology and I've tried most features. 


360 Gamertag - Sk84life293 (mine)

PSN ID - alkaline2011 (mine)

X1 Gamertag - Fragguh TM (friends)

PS4 ID - Cant remember lol it's my friends acc.

I never really think of hardware as a determining factor in a home console purchase. Other than that, some pretty nice points were made.



On the topic of this thread though, I'm quite surprised that most people went for never. I mean we are talking strictly US right, and the last time I checked, Xbox One has a new Halo game coming out next year, which historically has been a huge title in the US market. Pricing is always a factor as well. Though honestly, it's a bit too early to tell.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC