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Dark_Feanor said:

1- Yes, If I have to choose the primary reason it would be the price. What would you choose.

2- Yes, as long there is no major exclusive release in a week or so. That is what´s been happening in the last 6 weeks or so. That was the case the whole last generation. Only price and a massive bundle/exclusive change the "tide wave".

3- Some of them were, others were just trolls and console warriors doing their deads.

4- If PS4 is doing that good there is no reason to drop the price. They will drop the price if the gap closes.PS4 can´t be the best seller console of all time and need a price drop before the second year. Again the same thing happened last generation with the 360 and Wii.

  1. I would say its a combination of factors, including price. If at $400 (and yes for a while the XB1 was $400) the XB1 sold just as well or even better than the PS4 in NA then we could easily say its all about the price. But at a similar price point the PS4 was still selling over 30-50% more than the XB1. That right there is proof that price isn't everything. So its not just one thing, teher are a couple of primary reasons.

  2. You really need to stop bringing up last generation. Its not a good way to measure a consoles expected performance. Just look at the PS2 to PS3 or the wii to the wiiU. There is also something called momentum, mind share and word of mouth. For the first 6 months of the next year the PS4 is the console that will be getting the most press time (and momentum) cause it has more exclusives releasing in the fist half of the year than XB1. Also, anyone looking to get a console for games like the Witcher, MGS5, Batman...etc will more likely be getting it on the PS4. You have word of mouth to thank for that and the fact that the PS4 does run these gmaes better.

  3. Or some were just people making the most informed value based decision they could. There are some things that there is no point arguing about. The paltry reasons you are giving for why or how the PS4 has been successful doesn't explain how it has gone on to be the fastest selling console ever. If it weren't doing a lot right it wouldn't maintain that kinda momentum for as long as it has been. You should know this considering all it took to tarnish the xbox image was a bad press conference and policies that they didn't even go through with. 

  4. As Kaz himself has said, their focus with the PS4 is on expanding Marketshare. That means they are going to drop the price the first reasonable chance they get cause that is the best way to expand market share quickly. As it stands, sony is probably making around $30-$50 on a standalone PS4. By fall 2015 they could be in a position where they make $70-100 on every PS4. No matter how well they are selling, they of all people know they will sell even more if they dropped the price. And what you fail to see, is that marketshare is more important than profits made on hardware. If sony has a 16M year in 2014 and taking a loss of $10-20 per console sold gives them a 20M year in 2015, bes rest assured they wil drop that price in a heartbeat. Cause they can make that $20 loss back from selling one game to a new PS4 owner. Thats kinda how the console business works.


ohmylanta1003 said:

Anything's possible bro. No need in assuming that everyone that thinks it could eventually pass is dumb. I think it's honestly pretty ignorant to write it off as a possibility.

I am not writing it off as a possibility, just saying that 2 months or tthis point in time of the year is to small a reference point to suddenly warrant such threads. Thats why I said that they should at least wait until the part of the year that sony actually used to get the lead it currently has in norath america. Which is from January to october.