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Intrinsic said:

Wow this thread... what I find even more shocking are the amount of people that think this is possible.

Here are a few things I would like to chime in. Whats the reason for this XB1 sales uptick? Is it generally considered the better console or is it the better deal this holiday season? Will the price drop be permanent?What happens from January onwards? I will not comment on answers to those questions and will take a wait and see approach.

But I wonder, what happens when next year around the time of Uncharted 4 the PS4 is priced at $299? Its shocking how just a month or two can suddenly make some think thats all that's required for an XB1 win. At this rate, to fight a PS4 at $299, MS would need to sell an XB1 at $220 with a free game. Thing about price wars, is that theer is a point where they don't matter anymore.   I also think a lot here haven't actually looked at the kinda year the PS4 is primed to have in 2015. If they did threads like these wouldn't exist. I also find it strange that some here don't realize that its more important for th XB1 to win on the slow months of the year (first 8-10 months) than to win in just the last 2 months of the year. Basically what MS is doing is treating an infection rather than treat the wound causing the infection.

But to answer the question, I will say Never. Come next year, the gap will start to grow again, though the XB1 will no doubt slow the rate at which that gap grows in NA while it becomes uncontrollably worse everywhere else. 

Once again, THIS!