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#27 - Super Mario Galaxy 2

I'm not too sure what it was about the first Mario Galaxy, but it never really stuck with me. The graphics are really pretty, music is some of the best, gameplay is fun, simple and easy to control and also a variety of power ups and levels. For some reason after I beat it, I never went back to it, I don't really know why but perhaps I should go back to the game one of these days and see if there was any reason why. Anyways Mario Galaxy 2 in terms of graphic, gameplay and music is very similar, but it stuck with me. There are a few new features like Yoshi. The hub world is still there although it plays a much smaller roll and you select levels in a similar way you would in a 2D game. The game has dozens of different levels, some of the levels are your traditional platforming stages while others rely on Yoshi, swimming or some other powerups, which are all really well designed and fun to play. The difficulty is just right, not too easy but not too tough. There are a few optional levels which are much harder for more experienced players which is a nice touch. The game is also a great length too, definitely worth the initial $50 price tag.

#26 - Animal Crossing

I have to admit, Animal Crossing Gamecube is probably all the way up here, above all the other ACs in the series, because of nostagia. I have nothing against the new games, in fact I quite like them but they just never had the same impact the Gamecube version had for me. It's also a game I still play today and always have fun even with all the hunderds of hours I have sunk into this game over the years. Maybe it's the certain atmosphere or the music in this game (which is completely different from the future games) or just the charm of the game. But overall this is a very special game for me and for a while was my favourite game of all time. In Animal Crossing you are the citizen of a randomised town which is inhabited by various animals. You can furnish your house, your clothes, talk with your neighbours, going fishing, catch some bugs, find fossils, find the money rock, make your town look pretty. There is always something to do in this game every single day and the holiday events keeps things interesting. An added bonus to the Gamecube version is you can collect various NES games and then play a game inside of a game!