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binary solo said:
Zoombael said:
binary solo said:
Why try to get her kicked off? Surely having her on the dev team is a good thing. Don't you want her to put her money where her mouth is?

Either it will prove that great and compelling games can be made with zero content that can be alleged to be sexist. Or it will prove that she is shit at actually working on game content because her ideas and demands are simply unmarketable. Either way the industry gets to move on.

I support Anita Sarkeesian being on the dev team. Clearly she won;t be writing or directing or designing. She's obviously a "gender content" consultant. So in the end the elements of a game that are supposedly meant to be most important (gameplay) should not at all be influenced or affected by her. So why are people actually concerned? Is it just because they hate her? Yeah, I think it is.

Aaand Mirrors Edge was sexist in what way?

Can you point out where I said Mirror's Edge is sexist? Can you point out where Anita Sarkeesian has levelled an accusation of sexist tropes against Mirror's Edge? Perhaps she, and EA, chose Mirror's Edge as a "safe" project for her to work on because there is essentially nothing objectionable from a feminist perspective, and she can get some inside appreciation and understanding of game development with very little chance of her actually fucking up the game.

As you are clearly supporting her cause there must be something wrong with ME (from a feminist perspective *roll eyes*). Otherwise there is no reason to give her rear cover. Pro or contra. As simple as that. Since you're pro-femnazi you got to have a valid argument why she should be involved in game development at all. Not some hankypanky appeasement BS.

Hunting Season is done...