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Oh my god, really? There's a petition for this?

You guys need to find something better do with your time. She'd be one person in a dev team of hundreds, I highly doubt she's going to ruin the game. If, by some chance, Mirror's Edge 2 ends up being less that stellar, the blame for that will fall on the whole team, not just her.

I mean SERIOUSLY, people. There are so. many. problems. that are bigger than this. How about a petition to get Ubisoft and Activision to stop shamelessly gouging consumers with drip-fed DLC? Or one asking the big third-party publishers to stop driving franchises into the ground by releasing a new iteration every year, sometimes twice a year? Or, I don't know, allowing games the same recognition as film and allowing them to be sold if they have an R rating, anywhere in the developed world? Or not having GTAV banned from Target throughout Australia because some concerned parents kicked up a fuss? Or having games actually work properly from the first day of their release?

Compared to any of those issues, this just looks like petty nonsense.