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Btw, as for the actual topic.

I don't really see the problem. If she's as inept with video games as people think (believe me, I'm no fan of hers) she will crash and burn on her own (lack of merit).

You never know, she might have taken on board the criticism that has been levelled at her and become a good consultant for them, which is good for everyone.

At the end of the day, EA and EA alone know what they want/expect as a result of her being a consultant, if they feel it was successful, they may choose to continue to work with her. If they don't, they won't. It's really not for whiney internet petitions to try and force this.

I doubt she'll have much in the way of impact on the outcome of the game, it's not as if they'll be "here's our finished game, what do you think?" "oh no no no you can't do this, that and the other, change it all and start again!"

If it was, I guarantee EA would just be "LOL GTF!"

You never know, she might make a positive contribution to Mirror's Edge 2. She's certainly not the single entity that will turn it from a great game to an awful one.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.