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Like I was telling Brannigan(d21lewis), I was originally going to make this thread a little while ago but I just never got around to it.


After playing games like The Last Of Us and Tomb Raider(2013) and then going back to Uncharted 2 and 3, I realised that there were a couple things that the next Uncharted was going to need ON TOP of whatever else NaughtyDog might have already secretly added in the game.


1.) Optional Secrets Tombs!


One aspect about Tomb Raider that defeated Uncharted was the optional Tombs you can find throughout the Tomb Raider island. Granted they were over before they started but they were still a nice touch to the game. The Tombs gave off more of a sense of exploration in the game. The next Uncharted is going to need something like these. They dont need to be "Tombs" but just give me SOMETHING. You can call them "Uncharted caves" or some shit lol


Give me some "Uncharted caves" on this "Uncharted island" that are basically like the locked shiv doors in The Last Of Us. BUT they need to STAY optional, hidden, and MAKE US WORK FOR THEM. We dont need some little easy sesame street type shit. Throw a little puzzle in that b!tch like in Tomb Raider or just add something to it like traps or a big ass bear or Lion protecting the "Uncharted Treasure" that is strong enough to kill me if I dont play my cards right. Dont make it all easy! We're Playstation fans! The most feared beings in this gaming world! We can handle it!


2.) Listen/Detect mode!


Another thing I knew the next Uncharted was going to need was a listen/detect mode kinda like The Last Of Us and Tomb Raider. It's basically when you press a button to make the player focus and sense anything moving near their surroundings. It adds another layer of strategy and depth to the gameplay. Luckily, we can clearly see through the Recently released UC4 gameplay that they have infact added there own eunique Listen/detect mode in Uncharted 4. The very second I saw it I was like "Yaaaaaassssss biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch" lol



3.)Slight RPG Player Enhancement/Weapon Upgrade system!


This is one thing that both The Last Of Us and Tomb Raider(or even The Evil Within) defeat Uncharted in. We absolutely NEED some kind of Player Enhancement/Weapon Upgrade system in the next-gen Uncharted 4. WE NEED IT!! The player enhancement and weapon upgrade systems both each add a more personal connection between you and the character and whatever gun you are aiming to fully upgrade. On the player enhancement side of things, let me enhance Nathans health(or how many hits he can take from something before dying), his lung capacity( how long he can stay under water), his weapon sway or his strength when fighting. Nothing too crazy though..


On the Weapon side of things.. PLEEEEEEEEEAAAASE give us some type of Weapon Upgrade system. I don't know how you're going to pull this off but you have to figure SOMETHING out. Let us upgrade our weapons. Maybe we can have the ability to have our own set of upgraded weapons while also being able to use weapons we find from enemies during battle? We would only be able to carry like 2 of our upgradable weapons at a time and would need to go to a specific place to switch them. The weapons we find from enemies would not be upgradable and we would basically want to discard them when we ran out of the ammo left in it by the enemy to find another one. Or something. I know you guys can figure SOMETHING out.



4.) Wildlife Interaction!


This is a big ass island and logic would tell you that you're are going to run into some wildlife while on it. Basically what I'm saying is that we NEED to be able to interact with the wildlife in this game. Like if I see a wild hog somewhere in the bushes, I should have the ability to shoot and kill it! I feel like if I'm playing Uncharted 4 and I'm near some water via a small lake or stream, and I see some fish in the water, I should be able to point the gun at the fish in the water, shoot at them, and if I was lucky enough to hit one, it should come up and float at the top of the water. I dont care if it's fish, birds, rabbits, rats, flamingos or crocodiles. Let me have the decision to be a dumbass that wastes ammo on the wildlife!


And like I was saying earlier about the "Uncharted Treasure Caves", there should be caves with wildlife in it too spread throughout the island like the Uncharted Treasure Caves. Give me some Bear Caves, Lion Caves or even big ass snake pits that could possibly have treasure in it too that the pirates were too afraid of getting. It doesn't have to be anything crazy. Just let us have the ability to kill the wildlife. That's all I'm asking ..for now


These things coupled with some of the other new additions we seen in the UC4 gameplay will only make the game better. I'm loving how the rope thingy and the water slope thingy can be used to your advantage REALISTICALLY during battle. I'm also loving how there seems to be more interaction with the game world in this game and how you can use the vegetation as a form of cover. So far, this Uncharted looks better than All of the other Uncharted's and Tomb Raider in terms of the gameplay during battle altercations. 


We have about a year left before the game releases so I dont think I'm asking for too much at this point. For all I know, NaughtyDog have probably already added this stuff in the game but it just hasn't been shown yet.


So, what are your thoughts on these ideas? Do you agree? Disagree? Do you think these additions would benefit the Uncharted franchise? Or do you think they wont work? Are there any other additions to the Uncharted franchise you think should be added? Let me know in the comments below.