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Soundwave said:
binary solo said:
Soundwave said:

But Sony didn't say any about Street Fighter franchise exclusivity either. Super SFV very well could be on any platform, Sony emphasized SFV only and didn't utter a peep about the other versions of SFV that everyone and their grandma knows are going to happen. 

There's basically no IP that Sony has been able to keep from eventually appearing on XBox ... GTA, DMC, Virtua Fighter, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear were once all Sony exclusives too, eventually they all ended up on the XBox. 

That is exactly the point. Sony was definitive about the console exclusivity of SFV. There is no chance of SFV ever coming to a non-PS console (could come to PSV in other words). MS has not at all been this defintive about RTR. In fact the opposite is true. MS (and SE/CD) statements have been so convoluted in the attempt to not admit to timed exclusivity but at the same time not being able to claim absolute [console] exclusivity. SE is probably contractually bound to not say it's timed exclusive (if indeed it is timed exclusive) and it is not in MS's interests to openly admit timed console exclusivity, so they will say things in a way that does not clearly admit timed exclusivity, but also does not convey false information.

With SFV we have clear and unambigious console exclusivity. And complete silence on Super/Ultra/Sigma SFV. The PR situations are quite stark in their comparison.

Street Fighter V yes. I'm not debating that. 

But the inevitable Super Street Fighter V? That's a different can of worms. 

If Sony had full exclusivity over all SFV games for the duration of the generation, they would have mentioned it as a multi-game partnership with Capcom. 

If the deal extends to multiple SFV games, Sony would've crowed about it from the rooftops. 

Oh good, that means we're in agreement on this. I think SSFV will come to Xb one.  It would be a simple enough thing to say "All Street Fighter 5 titles will be permanent console exclusive for Playstation". Just like it would be easy to say "Rise of the Tomb Raider is a permanent console exclusive for Xbox." Since neither such statements, or words to the same effect, have been made then the obvious conclusion is that permanent console exclusivity is not the case for either RTR or further iterations of SFV subsequent to the original SFV.

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Jimi Hendrix