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ckmlb said:

Everything is perceptions. 360 Came out first, building a great game library which creates the perception among many hard core gamers that the PS3 is not a worthy purchase at 600 dollars with a small number of exclusives (especially early on).

The 360 has been out longer so developers have had more time with it which makes it easier to make games on it. Creating the perception that the PS3 is harder to make games for. If the PS3 had come out first then the 360 would be hard to develop for because it is the new machine to master.

The best move Microsoft has ever done in the console business was launching the 360 a year before the PS3, which will probably end up being the difference at the end of generation as to who won the war between those two.

They launched early with a series of half baked games (games that were really last gen) and faulty systems, but launching early was more important than that and as you can see many people whose 360s busted on them just got another one so the strategy worked.

The biggest mistake Sony made this gen: not making a SKU that didn't have BR. They should have kept the 600 dollar BR SKU but also had one at 400 dollars ish the same price as the 360 that was BR-less.

Basically, Sony came late to the party, with a more expensive product that has promise to show better power than the 360 in the future, but hasn't yet and doesn't have the same game library that has been built up for a year...

They should have at least made one version at 360 price to compete, they really fucked that one up. I'm not discussin the Wii because they are going for the Nintendo faithful + casual non-gamers while these two are going for the hardcore audience.

Yeah, it really just comes down to launching a year later AND at $200 more. Sony coulda pwned this generation easy with their brandname alone at the right price. They could have released in 2005 @ $399 with a normal DVD drive. But then I guess it wouldn't have Blu-ray, though.... Maybe they coulda made it with a more normal processor too, so its not so hard to develop for.