Jranation said:
That would pretty much be the only way. Even in you like the games for both systams, I think it would be hard to be more excited about games you can mostly get now on other consoles which consists of 90% of the titles here.
Even with those announced games there still just isn't that game that makes people say "I have to get a Vita". Nintendo on the other hand has a few games releasing next year that are going to give the console a boost in sales, Legend of Zelda being the main one. I can also see Star Fox moving some systems (if done right) and Xenoblade Chronicles X giving a small boost (though I don't see these two making any significant impact) keeping consoles sold in the hundreds of thousands with any luck. I could give a much better prediction of Star Fox's impact if they would show the freaking game off.
Like most of this year, I don't see the Vita even selling in the 100s of thousands at any consistant rate unless E3 (or some other gaming conference) shows something vasly more substantial to the Vita's library than what is already known.