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Since I'm a coward, I'm gonna do one per platform I have access to :P

Wii U:  Xenoblade Chronicles X.  I *loved* Xenoblade on the Wii and this looks even bigger and more epic.  And with some races (Nopon and maybe Giants) returning from the first game, I'm really interested in how this will tie into the original game's mythos. 

Playstation 4:  If No Man's Sky releases next year, then that.  If not, it's a toss up between Uncharted 4 and The Order 1886.  But the Order keeps confusing me to death with them showing drastically different gameplay every time.  No Man's Sky looks super cool though.  Uncharted 4 looks fun.

PC:  Kingdom Come: Deliverance or Tom Clancy's The Division. Assuming either of those make it :P .  Kingdom Come is a historic open world RPG and it looks pretty cool, definitely unique.  We all know what the Division is supposed to be, we'll see if *this* game with major online focus actually works at launch (PLEASE DO!)  I would be excited for Attila: Total War, but it looks like a Napolean Total War situation, ugh >_<