MikeRox said:
That'd be like getting a 3DS in the full knowledge that you don't like anything Nintendo makes and complaining it doesn't have any software that appeals to you. |
You missed mne saying "I wanted a Vita originally" as in it had interested me at the start, my interest was held by Sony at that time, I cannot go any deeper than that in saying they had me at the start and lost me with the lack of exclusives for that portable,memory and console pricing, it;s like you're saying "if you liked it why not put up with the archiaic memory system and high pricing" rather than me actually wanting a good deal and non closed memory system like the 3DS has with a cheaper price model and more exclusives, I buy consoles for theirs, I built a PC to play what they had to offer, why should the Vita have the free jail card?.
You are well aware of Sony's Vita support compared to the 3DS and other general support so why defend what has been done?, Sony should be trying to get me to buy their Vita not look at what I can already get anywhere else.
There are some Sony/Xbox/Nintendo games that interest me, there's no denying that but it happens that Nintendo and MS are offering me something more interesting to the table for me, it's better to compete for my money than to say "I can't compete just move on" and it's a weak cop out excuse to use for a company that's supposed to be making money and selling products.
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"