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riderz13371 said:
Twilord said:
riderz13371 said:
Twilord said:
I gotta ask something - what is with the 'gotta be huge' thing that seem omnipresent in games lately?

I mean this looks fantastic, Zelda looks fantastic, Xenoblade looks fantastic... but why do games seem so interested in being so big?

What do you mean? Are you talking about the bigger, more open levels?

Yeah. Hell, even the backgrounds in Smash Bros seem to be bizarely hug structures for reason I can't fathom. - I'm trying to analysis it from a designers perspective because I'm a student of game design - well more of an indie I guess, I have some simple projects I'm working towards and am currently between courses.

Well I can't speak for the other games, but from Uncharted's standpoint I think you can actually go to those locations in the background. It's sort of foreshadowing places you'll be going to as you progress through the game.

The first Xenoblade did that and Zelda has effectively already promised the same. Thanks for mentioning that because it REALLY does provide a large clue to me as a designer on part of what they're up to. - It kinda reminds now actually me how Metroid-environments back in the day were often claimed as being huge when, if you look at the actual map, they're pretty reasonable. :)