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Ok, the handling of the graphics its better done by UC4 by far. Wich are more stunning, that depends on the viewer, but technically, UC4 wins in every possible way to Zelda.
Theres something that translated literally from spanish would be "crash handling", talking bout graphics. And how well or how bad a game handles those crashes can be seen like for example, when you kill someone or something close to a wall, and for you, the gamer, you are killing a humanoid shaped objet, but for the game, you are killing a square, or a ball, so thats why sometimes, some parts of the dead body gets stuck BEHIND the wall, insted of getting ON the wall, because of this "crash handling". So, the better the crash handling the more realistic the things will interact with your character, i.e. the grass and plants where Nathan Drake is moving.

At the end, if they give the award to the most realistic (not talking about phantasy characters or models), then it will go to UC4. To the most impressive with no technical speaking involved, then Zelda should win it.


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.