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Samus Aran said:
Smear-Gel said:
Samus Aran said:
tbone51 said:
How big is this game?

The game will be called Zelda: Hyrule field.

Because that's all you're getting with this game lol. They took the worst part of Ocarina of Time and multiplied it by a 100. 

Seriously not impressed anymore by this game. I'd much rather take a smaller world with more to do and better graphics. 

Zelda needs to be bigger!

*Twilight Princess*

Zelda nees to be smaller!

*SKyward Sword*

Zelda needs to be bigger!

*Zelda U unfinished developmental footage teaser*

Zelda needs to be smaller!

It needs to look better than let's say GoW 3, but it's nowhere near. :(

Or even Metroid Prime 3.

They said it looked better than at E3, it doesn't. They lie.



................................................. what???