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Just in case you accidentally clicked on this thread and do not want to be massively spoiled, I'll cover the questions in spoiler-ink.


Anyway! I've just beaten Siren Blood Curse. The game is flawed, rough and unpolished; but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it from beginning to end. As for someone who never played Forbidden Siren before, I can find nothing but praise for this game, so the pro's outweight the cons in my eyes, and that's a good thing.

If anyone hasn't played it, I strongly reccommend it to you. In any case! The plot, as constrived as it was, made interesting points which I, unfortunately, failed to fully comprehend, and now I have several questions that hopefully someone can answer.


As I said before, these are game-breaking spoilers, so read with caution:


· Bella and Amana are the same person?

· Why does Seigo commits suicide in one of the game's timelines?

· How come Sol Jackson (the cameraman) gets killed during the different timeline (again), but Sam Monroe manages to escape?

· I'm guessing Bella gets transported back in time at the end just like his father, but what happens to Shibito Sol and Shibito Melissa?

· When Bella is calling out her parents outside the church, and then switch into Monroe's vission, how come she's a Shibito? Were we playing as a Bella Shibito all along, with the game fooling us?

· How come Amana can remember everything from different timelines, but the rest of the protagonist can have vague memories?

· How did Sam Monroe sent a message to Howard Wright to go to the town, if they are both shown alive at the end? (Albeit a certain piece of info tells that Monroe dies time after) Did Monroe go back but Howard didn't because he was in Hell? They were essencially living at the same time but in different universes? When Monroe goes back, there's two different Monroe's (the one that lives with Bella and Melissa, and the Monroe who survived through Siren Blood Curse) living at the same time?