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yvanjean said:
Jazz2K said:
The Fury said:

Because not every game has a demo and I'm not going to spend £20 on a game I might not like to take it back to get £10 trade it for it. There is a reason why I haven't bought KH 1.5HD or Drakengard 3, because I don't know if they are worth it, a £1 down, played for 2-4 hours so I can get a feel for it and then I can decide if I want to own it.

We should ask for free demos for every games instead of surrendering to a service that makes you pay for them.

Consummer need to stop wanting everything for free... if you want a quality product be ready to pay. The free to play model is a broken and extremelly annoying model where the core of the game is hidden behind a pay wall or all additional content is DLC's. But don't mistake demo with EA access 6 hours Trial version, it's very different than a demo and actually worth paying $5. Especially if it save you from spending $60 on a game you don't enjoy.  They Also come before the game is release therefore allowing you to make a informed buying decision. I'd rather spend $30/year get to trials all of EA games especially for game that I would not purchase like Fifa 15 and NFL 15.

Dragon age inquisition is good but not good enough enough for me to pay $60. I'll wait for it to drop in price. 

Yes I'm not agains't EAA at all in fact I hope every major publishers will offer something similar. I was replying to Fury about not paying 2.99$ for 4h gameplay because it's pretty much paying 3$ to test a game, comparing EAA to PSNow I prefer EA's approach.