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Avinash_Tyagi said:
Bodhesatva said:
ckmlb said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
FishyJoe said:

Sony has never been good at adapting to change

I know, it's weird how they are a multibillion dollar company though... go figure.

I assume you're simply being sarcastic, Ck (if not, lemme know). I actually think they've been great at adapting to change. Nintendo certainly does know how to innovate, but Sony has picked up on Nintendo's strongest points very quickly (they adapted to the re-introduction of the Analog stick, the Rumble Pack, and the Wii mote within months) and also to other's strong points -- Sony is way ahead of Nintendo at getting online, which I think most of us can agree is a feather in their cap. Sony may not be the best at finding new and innovative products/ideas/content, but they're usually quick to recognize once that new product/idea has been found.

By contrast, Nintendo has stubbornly stuck with losing ideas on several occassions. The "no internet" thing didn't cost them severely, as they appear to be wising up, but they took much longer than any other major hardware company to catch on. Nintendo stuck with cartridges even when it was clear it was a poor choice right out of the gate. When Nintendo forges their own way and succeeds, it's great. When they forge their own way and flop on their faces, it looks a lot less noble.

Their response to the Wiimote was of a pathetic quality which was easily seen

as an attempted ripoff and their response to the Ipod and the DS has flopped

as anything more than a way to play ROMS

Oh, I'm not saying they didn't rip Nintendo off. They obviously did. I'm just saying they did it quickly. By contrast, Nintendo probably would have gone ahead on schedule with their own system and not payed any attention to the wonderful things happening over in Sony land.

"Adapting quickly" is a nice way of saying "you steal other people's ideas very quickly." You can make fun of Sony for that, but it means they know a good idea when they see it, and they know how to quickly convert it for use in their own products.">">