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Many uneducated people are going to cry and call him a socialist or a communist or whatever Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'reilly call him this week. Obama is a conservative through and through. Obama was a better president than Bush in pretty much every way, but that's not saying much.

He took the troops out of Iraq, but Bush already set that up. He implemented Obamacare which, while it isn't good enough, it's better than the stone age health care system you had before. He began legalizing gay marriage which is good.

However, he's pretty much a fiscal conservative in every way. Taxes are the lowest they've been in a century, he still drops to his knees when the corporations come running, he's mostly continued Bush's foreign policy. He also didn't shut down Guantanimo Bay. Which is just ridiculous. He also had Bin Laden killed, which is good in theory, but I don't think you can call yourself a country that promotes freedom and justice if you have an unarmed man, no matter how evil, shot dead in his house.

However, no matter how lukewarm Obama's presidency may have been, the Republicans have just shown how petty, evil, and childish they really are these past two terms.

Socially he was a good president. Fiscally? He was just like all the others, a neoliberal corporate puppet.
