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RubberWhistleHistle said:
gergroy said:

Speaking as a teacher, they really need to figure out a way to filter some kids into vocational schools/training if they arent going to even try to do academic work.  Nothing is more annoying to me than to have a student that has to come to class because he/she has sluffed too much, but refuses to do any work.  Whats the point of making them go if they dont do anything!  Whats even worse is I have a couple of those types of students on iep's, which means i have to accomdate them by giving them easier work and they still dont do it!

give the kids who dont want to learn some vocational training so they can accomplish something and so that we can actually focus on the students that want to learn!

speaking as somebody who has been going to school for 20 years, i completely agree with you! of course, i believe students should have the choice, but by the time you are just about to graduate, you should have an idea if you are going to continue education or just want to make a modest living learning some kind of trade. 

we need to make high schools more rigorous. and if students cant keep up, or are in danger of failing, maybe we can offer those students a different route. 

my post you were responding to was written as a way to vent about this idea that schools need more funding. and i am just a firm believer in that no amount of funding is going to alter a students ability or drive. and really, we need to ween kids off of using teachers or the classroom as their only source of knowledge and encourage them to take some of the responsibility of learning on themselves. because if youre going to get an education, thats the kind of shit youre going to be expected to do. lets stop shifting the responsibility on teachers and the government for how kids are performing in school and lets focus more of the attention on the students themselves. thats my opinion right now, and it could change as i experience more things, but it seems pretty sound to me.

Agreed, and honestly there wouldnt even be funding issues if we eliminated all the wasteful hand holding for students who dont even want to be there...