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I didn't like him at first, went through a brief period of not hating him, and don't like him now.

Obamacare is the classic example of "no safety net is better than a badly thought out safety net." The discussions made me rethink healthcare being a bad idea. That said, mandating everyone buy healthcare is a very, very bad idea. I have heard two people who liked it, and they were already shelling out close to $100,000 a year in healtcare costs (so go figure what their annual income is).

A doctor I know did the math for the rest of us; for me to get coverage using an Obamacare plan (ANY of them) I would have to spend so much on healthcare that year, that anyone not in an upper income bracket would go bankrupt. It doesn't give any coverage until you've spent an absurd amount.

America had the worst healthcare of the western world 8 years ago, and it has even worse healthcare now.