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I have over 280 hours in this game, and I still havent used many characters (Ricken, Severa, Gaius, Cynthia)

The game is great.
Its biggest problems in my opinin are:

-The spotpass chapters are fan service that destroy the story, basically, every important person who died is alive, and not only that, you can fuck them.

-Dark Mages are very overpowered, they can tank anything with Nosferatu

-If you buy downloadable content you can grind, and if you can grind it stops being a strategy rpg, and it becomes just an rpg. On the internet what you see most of the time is fans of the game who grind, use eugenics, and reclass characters a lot in order to create super overpowered perfect op characters.
But if you don't grind the game becomes very different. Without grinding Sully is a better mother for Lucina than Sumia because without grinding you will not be able to teach galeforce to a Sully-Lucina.

-There should be more map variety, and different objectives.

The good thing about Awakening, is that most of the bad things are optional.
In my case I only play in hard classic without grinding.

I still think it was the best game of 2013 and the best game on the 3DS. With regards to Smash Bros, I think Marth and Robin are ok as representing the franchise, one represents lords, and the other represents the player's self insert character.