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Makes sense. If I had 40k individuals from my core demographic asking me to remove a certain toothpaste or hairbrush from my store (for whatever reason), I would simply stock different products and continue on with life.

Also, if a person really thinks it's the "feminist agenda" at work when it's suggested that portrayals of women in video games are problematic then there's clearly some preexisting bias that they need to work through.

As an artist, I fully support freedom of expression in art and entertainment. As an artist, I also encourage and support critical thinking about the message, tone, and implications of art and entertainment distributed to the masses.

Do I support Take Two's right to publish titles in the GTA franchise? Yes. Did I have fun with those titles as an adolescent? Yes. Would I like to see the GTA games slowly mature with the rest of society? Yes. Simple as that.

Retro Tech Select - My Youtube channel. Covers throwback consumer electronics with a focus on "vid'ya games."

Latest Video: Top 12: Best Games on the N64 - Special Features, Episode 7