One of three things is definitely going to happen with Respawn, maybe they have a Playstation version of Titanfall, or they have a new IP with Sony getting first dibs this time or finally they have a new full on exclusive for Playstation.
Personally I think the most likely one of those is that Titanfall is going to get announced for Playstation, at least PS3 and PS4, with PS4 being the main focus. The console exclusivity was probably a timed deal. This makes the most logical sense as Respawn aren't a particularly huge studio (only 95 staff), they're relatively new (being founded in 2010. The past few months have likely been used to optimize their engine for PS3 and I would think they've been waiting for the latest SDK from PS4 to role out so that they can run the game as good as possible on PS4.
It'll be interesting to see what happens for sure.
Not long to wait now. :D