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The thing is, at least in Georgia, (according to my training. I don't know exactly which law. I was just told.) there is supposed to be a law in place protecting officers that make bad judgement calls while acting in good faith.

It's easy to second guess a police officer from the sidelines after an incident and say what you, with a clear mind and an idea of the outcome, would have done. Cops don't have that luxury. If you don't act decisively and quickly, you could die. There is always a better way of handling a situation but the only way to get experience in law enforcement is to experience things. No training can get you 100% ready for some of the things you encounter.

Bad cops exist. They go down all the time--arrested, suspended, and fined. I've seen it with my own eyes. It's just these incidents of bad judgement combined with skin color that is poisoning peoples perception of cops.