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Artstyle: the gritty, realistic world is only comparable to VII- that was almost a decade ago, so its a welcome change

Newness: I like that the scenario and character set ups feels different from your generic JRPG. This idea of brothers on a roadtrip should hopefully offer a very unique perspective where the story is told and the characterisation

Scale: No explaination needed!


That the world will be gorgeous and huge but very empty.
That there will not be enough control over your character and their actions.
Similar to XIII that their won't be enough lore told through the actual game content


Its far too early to say I hate anything but the de-emphasis on singular weapons is worrying. Like you're running around switching between blades every combo, it removes a lot of the excitement and reward from acquiring a new blade. You character doesn't seem to adorn it either, so you only see it in combat :(