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Nuvendil said:
jetforcejiminy said:

just waiting for another one of those apple fanboy articles about how pokémon is too successful for nintendo to realize they are doomed..

Yeah we'll see more of those no doubt after Nintendo reports a profit :P .

My favorite part of all of these articles is how they list all kinds of games for Nintendo to slap on mobile that would never work.  F-Zero, for example.  I've tried playing the first one on my tablet and it's darn near impossible.  Could you even imagine the faster, more impressive F-Zero games played with either tilt controls or simulated analogue sticks? xD

can you say "I'm using motion controls!"...? this kind of technoutopianism is really embarrassing. it's like, 10 yrs from now when tablets/phones go the way of the vcr (which was supposed to spell the end of movie theaters in the 80s, just as the television was supposed to do in the 50s), these people are going to look so dumb. not that they don't already.