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Ka-pi96 said:
zorg1000 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

This is what I've been trying to say. Like Disney movies you can look at them and think 'that looks like a Disney movie' and more often than not you'd be right, it's the same with Nintendo games. They look like Nintendo games, take Splatoon as an example. Brand new ip, no ones seen it before, but if you showed that to someone that didn't know about it and asked them who they thought was making it there is a decent chance they would guess Nintendo.

Would the average person look at games like Xenoblade Chronicles, Metroid Prime, Fire Emblem and assume it was made by Nintendo?

Metroid Prime... maybe, depends just how 'average' this person is. The other 2, probably not. But that's the point I was making, not all of their games fit in with what would be considered a typical Nintendo game but the core ones that seem to be their main sellers definitely do fit in with that as well as some of their smaller games.

I doubt it, take Metroid Prime and compare it to Mario/Donkey Kong/Kirby and most non gamers would probably think it's not made by the same company.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.