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sales2099 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
BMaker11 said:

f I (and by default, many millions of people, since it's a cheaper laptop) have this average PC, yet I can run all those "consoles exclusives" as well as many multiplats (that computer can run Sleeping Dogs, Assassin's Creed 3, Portal 2, SFxTekken, and more), why would I choose a 360, as a gamer and a consumer, over a PS3? I can play God of War, Last of Us, Uncharted series, R&C, etc. AND play Minecraft, Witcher, L4D, Alan Wake etc. With your 360, you only get to play Minecraft, L4D, Witcher, Alan Wake, etc.

If you're a gamer, which scenario, from the above, is the most logical?


tsk tsk. Gamers with a gaming PC, much less are willing to game on their PC, is far from universal.

Essentially, from what I am hearing, there is no PS3 fans, at least ones that can stand on their own terms. You need a MS PC to compete if you can't stand behind a true 1 vs 1 comparison.

No lol you just need a PC in general.  In otherwords all of us already have a gaming PC, so none of us need a 360.  However a PS4 would allow me to play LBP3 and InFamous.