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Been a long time lurker on this site so I decided to join up and join in on the fun. I've been gaming since the age of
5 (1980) I had an Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, PS1, PS2, PS3 and currently have a PS4. Some of my favorite types of games are: Action-adventure, adventure, shooters, rpg's and platformers. I like open world and linear games both equally and my favorite type of view is third person in games but for the first time in 33 years of gaming I have finally been warming up and liking the first person view and bought my first true FPS game in Metro Redux which so far is an awesome series (Started Metro 2033 a few days ago and I really like it) and I like 2D side scrollers as well.

I am more of a single player gamer (although I do like co-op with a friend) I will on occasion go online and do the multi-player thing but overall I just like to sit in my comfy recliner from a hard day at work and just unwind and lose myself in a game where I can take my time and play it the way I want to play it. Gaming for me follows in this order: Game play, Story/Characters and Graphics/Resolution. I like and respect all the major platforms of gaming (Nintendo, XBox, Playstation,PC and the handhelds). My preference is playstation because it offers me the games I like and caters well to my taste plus I don't have the time or money to buy all platforms even though there are games I want to play on them.