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Bodhesatva said:

Here's an example, Quickdraw, of a game I might say is approaching maturity, while still in the vein of Metal Gear Solid:

A spy is sent out to kill one person. And that's all he does: kill one person. In the entire game. That person doesn't even have super powers -- he's just a person.

Have you ever read "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky? It's one of my favorites, and is generally accepted to be in the upper echelons of the western canon. The novel involves a student who murders a cruel and selfish pawn shop owner; he does this around 1/3 of the way through the novel. The rest of the book is spent inside his head, dealing with the psychological consequences of murder. That would be a violent game I could sink my teeth in to.

I see your point, and I understand the whole 1 vs 100 type situation you're getting at. Hell, once I think about it, most popular games are 1 against 100, if not thousands (Halo, anyone?). That's probably why I love MGS' gameplay, is because it's not necessarily you against everyone (Unless you want it to be), and the killing you do have to accomplish I think is explained, and maybe even justified, through the storyline.

But I get your point, and it would be nice to see some games like the one you described, definitely would add some unique experiences and variety to the current action genre.

Lastly, no, I haven't read that book. Although it does sound like something I would enjoy. I'll give it a look-see, thanks for the suggestion.